Friday, August 14, 2009


As my EX-COWORKER says, "It should be a law that you lose your job in two's", which is exactly what happened to us. On August 20th (the date I will always remember because it was my Grandpa's 90th Birthday that day), EV and I were marched into our boss' office and given the grim news of the fate of our positions....elimination. Reactions differ amongst people in these type of situations. Me...CRY, Ev...Whoa...slow down, what???? Yes, shock and awe as I stated in previous posts.

The good thing about this GROUP TERMINATION is that you have the opportunity to console one another, root each other on, and assist each other through the red tape of unemployment, cobra, and all that fun stuff.

Today I had the opportunity to 'work' a brief gig and was happy to share this job with my friend, EV. It was great working as a team. She knows my strengths and weakness' and vice verse. It was even better getting to spend some down time brainstorming on how to reinvent ourselves, what we think each other should do with our lives and how to go about getting this accomplished. Does Misery love company? Sure but Joy and Fun loves company even more.

After a really decent lunch we took ourselves to the outside lounge while listening to Coffee House on Sirius (my personal favorite), we laughed and laughed. Nothing like two girls with no place to be during work hours forgetting about how to pay the bills that are going to come in. See when the Miserable spend time together the end result can be joyous. Isn't that the beauty of time spent with girlfriends. Do guys have this much fun being miserable?

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