In honor of David Letterman's last week of Late Night I have created a Top Ten list that is most likely felt for any parent of school-age kids.
This Top Ten List truly applies to the parent with kids home over the summer who are not in sleep away camp. It also is based on my experience as I work and my daughter goes to day camp all summer. I would imagine that parents with kids at home or parents with kids at sleep away have a Top Ten List of their very own! There are some commonalities so read on and let me know if I forgot anything!

9) No more uniforms - No my kid does not go to private school, however, her public school has uniforms which don't get me wrong fall into the category of good and bad. Having school uniforms makes life easier in so many ways but its nice not to have to worry about school uniforms being cleaned and wrinkle-free. Its summer. Bathing suit, t-shirt and shorts. Grab & Go... Just makes you happy every day.

7) Camp is fun- For my little one summer means she is going to camp. She loves her day camp. I see her grow more and more every summer as the opportunities provided at camp both socially, creatively and physically are like no other. In school you may see huge academic growth and some maturing over the year but in my experience I see my daughter blossom each summer and gain self confidence and kinda sadly get a little older.
6) No homework - This is one of the best parts of summer for kids AND parents as well for so many
reasons I could go on and on. "It is so fun doing homework with my kid" says no parent EVER. Its either trying to get them to focus or trying as an adult to understand elementary school homework which now seems impossible to you . I won't list the many benefits of not having homework over the summer. Its self explanatory.
5) Not many after school activities- During the school year there are sports, art classes, instrument lessons, religious schools etc. We are endlessly wearing the chauffer's hat running from one place to another. Its an overscheduled world and one I try to keep simple but its still a relief to have all her activities pretty much take place in one!
4) Color War. Initially can be a lot of work making sure your kid is not the only one in camp not getting in the spirit. Color war is fun! There is a lot of spirit involved. If you have more than one child at camp and on different out. The competition is fierce. but one I try to have fun with...for my kids sake...of course. Just don't ask me about the year I put "Go White" on my car because she was on the white team and we got points for decorating the car. What was I thinking of driving around with "Go White"....thankfully no one took it the wrong way!
3) Traveling. For many summer means getting to travel more. Whether it be quick road trips, long
weekends or trips to visit family, summer time provides many with an opportunity to explore with their children. Built in learning experiences. I have such fun memories of long road trips from NY to Florida to visit the Grandparents, we all had a bag of stuff to keep us busy. No electronics. Just paper and pen and our imagination. There are so many fun things to do with your kids when your traveling and make memories that will last for a lifetime.
2) I like Camp- You may find me strange after reading this...or maybe you already have caught on. I like Camp. I like the cheers, the dress themes, camp songs, the art & crafts that are brought home. I love hearing her learn to camp songs or even music that is more modern than her mom's typical listening pleasure. Ok, so Barry Manilow is not a hit with kids. I love the lanyards, the rainbow looms, the perler beads, and all those crafty goodies she learns at camp and than she gets to show her Mommy how to do it (or mommy looks up on YouTube which is probably a better idea).

1) My most favorite thing about Summer is the slow pace of summer. Spending days at the pool, bbq's, reading books. Some of our happiest memories are made during the dog days of summer. There is not the hustle and bustle you find during the school year. It's coming home from a day in the sun or swimming and cleaning the sand and lotions off of us than cuddling on the couch for a good movie. No pressure of what needs to be done for school the next day. Take that breath. That sigh of relief. Soak in how you feel getting that well deserved break.

Think back to your summers. It brings instant smiles doesn't it? It's so fun to see summer through your kids eyes and let's not forget how great it is to get to experience summer as a parent for all the reasons mentioned above.
I hope you & your family have a safe and enjoyable summer!
MamaRoRose XOXO
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