Gosh I am at work (shhhh) and taking a 'break' listening to my internet music and John Mayer's "Daughters" just came on. That song has significant meaning for me and became a very special sign that I was having my miracle daughter.
It was January 2004, I had just gone through my first Invitro Fertilization procedure. I had been pinned and prodded and given a plethera of shots by my very good 'doctor' husband who learned how to do the shots without much pain. All this and I produced ONE viable fertilized egg to transfer. Some said why bother? Freeze and try to get some more fertilzied eggs. My doctor said we will do the transfer and keep our fingers crossed. Oh did I mention the important fact that my ONE egg was poor grade which means poor quality and the likelihood of it 'taking' was slim to know. But we went through the transfer. The transfer is not difficult. You are given a valium to relax you. The procedure takes 2 seconds. Its amazing really. Than they wheel you into recovery where you lay for about an hour.
During the months of preparation and other procedures the song "Daughters" came out. I of course so badly wanted a healthy baby...but favored the idea of having a girl. I would listen to the song over and over again as my inspiration. Laying in recovery listening to the radio in the clinic...Daughters came on. I got very teary and looked at hubby and said, "maybe this is a sign?". We did the 2 week wait...which seemed to be 2 months. And on my anniversary I did a home test and found I was pregnant. Officially told the next day after the bloodwork that I was indeed pregnant. JOY beyond belief. My miracle baby. The docs were astounded. They copied my ultrasound pics to show other patients that it is possible and not to give up hope that it only takes 1 fertilized egg to make a baby. In fact there was a brief week they thought it was twins as there were two sacs but...the other never happend. I had one baby. In my 21st week of pregnancy I found out my baby was a girl and I was over the moon. 3 days later I went into premature labor and after 12 hours of labor gave birth to a pre-mature stilbborn baby girl. She was beautiful and I was heartbroken. I would listen to the song "Daugthers" and just be heartbroken at the loss of my baby girl. It was a pain I will never completely recover from.
It took me one year to recover both emotionally and physically and a few minor procedures to get my body ready for another cycle of Invitro. This time the prodding and shots resulted in 11 viable fertilized eggs. The doctor recommended only transfering 2 and the embryologist recommended I transfer 4. We decided to transfer 3. We were hoping for a singleton (1) pregancy as I had been diagnosed with incompetent cervix and I feared if I got pregnant with more than 1 I would for sure lose the babies. I knew a surgical procedure (cerclage) was needed at 15 weeks. I knew 6 months of bedrest was in my future. I embraced it all....just let it work.
So we transfered the 3 and as they wheeled me out of the recovery for my wait, I asked for the same room (actually a little cubicle) to lay in as previously as it had a window I liked to look at while I waited. The radio on....remember a year later...and lo and behold John Mayers "Daughters" comes on. Beyond Tears. Could this be a sign again? I was so scared to get my hopes up but I felt that this coincidence was a sign and let it comfort me somewhat.
Gosh those two weeks were equally long. The only comfort I found was that Week 2 of the wait period brought on heartbearn and a nauseau I had never felt before. That nauseau stayed with me for 14 weeks as I discovered, yes it did work, yes I was pregnant and yes, it was with one baby who I later found out was a baby girl.

Thankyou for sharing this very personal experience. I have a friend who gave birth to a still born son 2 weeks overdue and 15 years on she remembers him every day. I have another friend who is about to embark on the IVF program for the first time and who is full of hope and intrepidation. I myself only ever fell pegnant twice. The first an early miscarriage, the second a beautiful girl who is now 13. There re times when I mourned not being able to fall pregnant again, but as it turned out my daughter is a creative soul, a budding artist and an aspie. I beleive it was foreordained that she came to this world to be my only child and to whom I could devote all my love and time to caring and softening the blow of a sometimes harsh world for an often misunderstood girl with aspergers. John Mayers song had a similar effect on me too, so all in all I just really enjoyed reading your post and look forward to popping in and reading a few more too. Jerseygirlinoz :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jersey Girl! Your daughter is very lucky to have you as a mom. Your love, dedication and understanding will help her a great deal. Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am keeping my fingers crossed for your friend going through IVF! Keep in touch and let me know how it goes!