Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Top 10 Reason Why Unemployment is NOT so Bad

Its been an interesting few weeks since I got layed off. The days pass with lots of paperwork, faxing, emailing, phone calls, networking and all that fun stuff that being unemployed includes. Am I scared out of my mind sometimes?! YES. Being the primary salary for our family I do not have the luxury to spend a lot of time 'off'. I am proud of myself as I have hit the ground running. Gave myself 1-2 days to cry, lay in the fetal position and wonder why me? I am drilling into my head "have faith". Its out of my control. I can only do what I can do so I shall at least find some reasons to enjoy my current situation. As I reinvent myself and build my counseling practice for Seniors, I hope to be able to be my own boss and have some independence while supporting my family. There are positives to this, And here is what I came up with...

10. I FINALLY GOT TO DO SPRING CLEANING. Thanks to my friend, I finally cleaned out my place. I am not done yet but I had about 6 bags of garbage and 20++ donation bags. It was cleansing to get rid of stuff I won't use again. A little sad as some of those items were Sophie's baby stuff.

9. MORE TIME TO COOK AND TRY RECIPES. Now I am a foodie by heart. Love to watch FoodNetwork, read Food Blogs, clip recipes. But working 50 hours a week did not allow a lot of time for that addiction. Now I have the chance to try the recipes I have been saving. Of course my main focus is Meals on a Budget that are healthy. Which brings me to to the next item....

8. FOCUS SOME TIME ON MYSELF AND GET HEALTHY. There really is no excuse other than its hotter than heck here. But its time. Time to get myself back to Weight Watchers and doing some activity. Its time to get healthy for me and my family.

7. DOCTORS DOCTORS AND MORE DOCTORS. In relation to item 8, I have neglected myself. Having a husband that cannot drive at the moment allows me little time to get myself to the doctors. I first take Sophie, than if I can squeeze in between all the hours of work I take hubby. I have kept up on my physicals but that is it. Now I need to do the things I really should have done a year or two ago (e.g. mammogram, skin doctor, dentist). I also need to focus on hubby and getting him better so he can maybe get his life back...this includes neurologist and more tests.

6. GET MY DAUGHTER READY FOR PRESCHOOL. Sophie starts pre-school part time in 2 weeks. OMG!!! Some energy is needed to get all the things I need to to make sure she is prepared. Including clothes, school materials, paperwork from the preschool, etc. Now instead of dropping her off and going to work all worried about how she is doing while my mom picks her up. I get to drop her off and pick her up without rushing to the office.

5. VOLUNTEER AT PRESCHOOL. Similar to item 6. I am so looking forward to volunteering for PTO. I have already selected committees I want to be a part of AND I spoke with her teacher and told her I am here to help with whatever. This is exciting to me as I never have a chance for volunteer work or time to meet with other mommy's and make friends. Usually I am running home to work or running to the office. This is going to be a new experience for me and I desperately need to make some girlfriends.

4. TIME FOR PLAYDATES. Working a 9-5 job (which was even more hours than that), does not allow you much opportunity to make playdates. Playdates is both important to child and parent. Luckily Sophie has a best friend whose mommy is one of my closest friends and comes over even while I am working at home so the girls could play. But now that Sophie starts school, she will meet other boys and girls and now instead of feeling bad that I cant make playdate arrangements I can schedule playdates on my down time around my work responsibilities cause I am my own boss.

3. MOMMY IS LESS STRESSED. Surprisingly the stress over how to pay the bills is there but not as strong as the stress mommy had with her job. I didn't even realize how stressed out I had been the past couple years. As I was burdened with more responsibilities at my job, the balancing act became very challenging and difficult. I would work my heart off for my job. I loved my job, but was rarely appreciated or thanked. Many times I felt like the office pooper scooper picking up all the work that no one else could do. I was stretched thin. I was stressed out and hubby and daughter sensed it. I tried to hide it but it did not work. Now I feel it myself, I feel myself breathing easier, I feel myself not getting upset over little things, I feel myself being in the moment more and I can imagine my 2.5 year old feels it too.

2. EXPLORING EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES. With this down time, while I network and build my practice and look for ways to make money for my family, I am getting opportunities to network with so many different people who bring innovation & creativity back to my life. I love writing and be a part of a creative community. I get to blog, do some freelance writing and dedicate some time to the creative side of me that is screaming for some 'air time' in my life. Now I have some time to allow myself the 'luxury' to do what I enjoy. Ok lets not go crazy, I still got a 2.5 year old but she starts part time preschool in 2 weeks!

1. BEING A MOMMY. We working moms know that often times we dream of being able to be a full time mommy. Some may not, some may be content with the working full time. Whatever works for you is whats best. For me, I dreamed of working but having enough independence that I did not have to ask someone to allow me time to take my daughter to an appointment or a playdate or just spend the day with her dressing up, reading, coloring, doing whatever her heart contents. Now I have that. Is it exhausting...You bet. I actually could use a 'day at the office'. LOL. Luckily I have grandma who is wiling to take her and give me a break (break = faxing resume, doing paperwork, calls, etc). So for now its the best of both worlds.

I hope to be able to have so much work that I have to learn how to balance again. And although I am having a GOOD DAY....There are still days filled with fear, anxiety, depression...But those days are getting less frequent. In the meantime, I get to enjoy my TOP TEN. Now if I can only figure out how I am going to pay the bills. Perhaps next TOP TEN should be about that! ;)


  1. Good for you, Heather. You're really a marvel...that you only took two days to lie in fetal position shows your strength of spirit. Sophie is going to LOVE preschool...and her "new" mom. Judging from your tone and your resolve, I'd say your future looks bright! You go, Girl!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tough going, isn't it? A week after I lost my job I mowed the lawn and ended up with two discs in my back cozying up and causing me severe nerve pain. I spent the next two weeks constantly weeping and feeling like the whole world was against me. Today, I have a better perspective. The pain is mostly gone and my mind has cleared. Time to get on with things. Like you have done. Good on you!

  4. Awww Nancy you got a double whammy. Thats no fair. I am glad at least you are feeling better. I hope the job search goes well.

    Glazed---thanks. In my mind there are not many choices in life. You can pity yourself and that gets you no where. I don't dwell. Usually I take a few days to cry it out and than move forward. I have my moments. Believe me I do!

  5. I agree with you here. I got fired for some health issues Im dealing with alomst a year ago. Im enjoying the time with the kids, and I love to be able to blog. I have to live below my normal means,but hey, I take peace at mind first any day!

    Soon, I may have to get back to a real jib, which is bad for me because Id rather work on my health getting 100% first but hey, the family can always use more income. We will see. One step at a time. Lovely Blog by the way. Im glad I stopped by!

